World War II prisoner of war camp - Stalag Luft I



World War II - Prisoners of War - Stalag Luft I 

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  blueprint of stalag luft one - WWII POW camp

Blueprint Drawing
 of Stalag Luft 1

Barth map

Barth Map - showing locations of labor camp, rail station, arch, town square, airport and runways.

Missing in Action letter sent during World War II

USA Missing in Action Letter

RAF Missing in Action letter

RAF Missing in Action Letter

POW telegram sent during World War II

Prisoner of War telegram

  Prisoner of war Id card

Stalag Luft I ID card

  Randy Anderson Dulag Luft ID card from World War II    Back side of Dulag Luft POW ID card


Dulag Luft ID card
  Short wave listener postcard to POW family Victory Radio Club letter to POW family

Victory Radio Club - War Prisoner Message Bureau.

Front of post card


POW notification from short wave listener


During WWII the German propaganda machine was inclined to beam short wave radio transmissions to the United States.  In order to attract listeners, the programs were interspersed with lists of Americans being held in prison camps.  Above are examples of mail sent to POW families from the short wave radio listeners. 


Forged German identity card           Forged personal identity card - front

Forged German Identity Card, hand drawn in camp by Roy Kilminster. Photo was taken with a camera that had been smuggled in.

Forged Gate Pass

Forged Gate Pass from Roy Kilminster


Forged leave pass for a French soldier/POW

Forged leave pass for a French worker who had been taken as a POW and forced to work in Germany.
From Roy Kilminster


Kriegsgefangenenlager - Postcards from Stalag Luft I 

POW post card from World War II from Stalag Luft I          Stalag Luft I postcard from POW to Mom

Kriegsgefangenenpost from Lt. Oscar W. Gills to his mother

Postkarte to Father         Kriegsgefangenenlager to POWs father

Kriegsgefangenenpost from Lt. William J. Harding to his father

      Kriegsgefangenenpost to parents          Kriegsgefangenenpost to parents from John Barrett

Kriegsgefangenenpost  from Lt. John A. Barrett to his parents

David Feldman to George Feldman

Lt. David Feldman to George Feldman


Death Edict Poster altered by Col. Byerly
After the "Great Escape" from Stalag Luft III, this notice was posted in the POW camps warning about trying to escape.

Death Edict Poster altered to Buy War Bonds Warning to all prisoners of war
Altered Poster -
 Col. Byerly altered this one at Stalag Luft I with a "Buy War Bonds - V for Victory sign". 
Unaltered Poster



Stalag Luft I Camp Orders

German Administration Orders Prisoner Administration Orders
German Kommandant Memo to Senior American Officer  - June 1, 1944

German Kommandant Orders - April 27, 1944

German Kommandant Orders  - June 24, 1944






North Compound, Special Order 15 - dated February 13, 1945

North Compound, Daily Bulletin -  dated July 9, 1944

North Compound, Daily Bulleltin - February 26, 1945

North Compound Daily Bulleltin - March 31, 1945

North Compund 2, Daily Bulletin - April 18, 1945

South Compound  - Order from the Senior British Officer  - April 17, 1944

Special Notice to POWs after Liberation

Special Order # 5 - Post Regulations dated May 3, 1944
  Homemade Escape Map at German POW camp - Stalag luft I

Homemade escape map made by Escape Committee

POW WOW issue 6/6/44 Front page

 The Secret Camp Newspaper - Click here for more

Statement of Recovered Personnel - Haffner     Statement of Recovered Personnel - Haffner - Page 2  
 Report of Interview of Recovered Personnel - James D. Haffner's Statement

German issued Stalag Luft I Dog Tag belonging to a Clovs V Johnson. 

Stalag Luft POW German issued  Dog Tags

This was given to me by a man I purchased a book about Stalag Luft I from.
  When he sent the book to me he enclosed this and said he thought it was a tag that they put on furniture!

German and American dog tags
John A. Barrett's German and American Dog Tags

POW wearing his German dog tags



POW wearing his Stalag Luft I German dog tags


U. S. Military Intelligence Service, War Department Report on Stalag Luft I

1st Report - Prepared 15 July, 1944

This document gives a detail description of the strength, treatment, food, clothing, health, religious activities,  German personnel, mail, recreation, etc. at the camp.

Click on thumbnails to view full size and/or print. 

July report on conditions at Stalag Luft 1 POW camp      July report on conditions at Stalag Luft 1 POW camp - pg 2     July report on conditions at Stalag Luft 1 POW camp - page 3    July report on conditions at Stalag Luft 1 POW camp - page 4    July report on conditions at Stalag Luft 1 POW camp - page 5    July report on conditions at Stalag Luft 1 POW camp - page 6



2nd Report - Prepared  1 November, 1945

Stalag Luft Nov  45  pg 2.  Stalag Luft Nov 45 pg. 3  Stalag Luft I - November 45  pg 4  Stalag Luft nov 45 pg 5  stalag luft nov 45  pg 6  stalag luft nov 45  pg 7

Click on thumbnails above to view full size and/or print or click here to read full report online.


Instructions for Officers and Men of the Eighth Air Force in the Event of Capture

This document was issued  to prepare the men to deal with the enemy's interrogation.  It instructs them what  information should be given, what they will try to find out from them, how they will try to obtain information from them, and how they can defeat the enemy.





Nazi Camp Held Galaxy of U.S. Aces by Andy Rooney

Zemke, Gabreski among Yank Fliers found at Barth

The greatest collection of American air aces ever assembled sat, some of them for a year and a half, in Stalag Luft I, the German prison camp at Barth on the Baltic before they were freed....

Andy Rooney article on Stalag Luft I Aces


A Speech Worth Dying For
by C. B. Glines printed in the October 1995 issue of Air Force Magazine

The Germans condemned him to death for "inciting a riot" but Col. Henry Spicer's words gave his fellow POW's strength and fortitude.   Col Spicer was 1 day away from his execution date when the Russians liberated the camp.  Many POWs  I have met have told me about Col. Spicer and his speech.

A Speech worth dying for             

  Click here to read the article on line.

Click here to read his notes to a fellow POW while awaiting his execution and his subsequent interview by US government concerning his speech.


RAMP ( Recovered Allied Military Personnel ) Advice
 Surgeon's Bulletin issued at Camp Lucky Strike
Advice issued to the newly freed Prisoners of War concerning the effects of the prolonged starvation to their digestive system and what to do to help their bodies recover properly.
 (Compliments of Marvin Laufer - Stalag Luft I POW)

Recovered Allied Military Personnel Advice to POWs



Map of Prisoner of War Camps in WWII Germany

Map of German POW camps


Black Bread Broat Recipe -
The official recipe for the bread that when available was served to the prisoners.

Black Bread recipe


Cooking directions were not included. No oven temperatures, no cooking time, no instructions on mixing the “dough” and letting it rise. You are assumed to know.  One might “assume” the grain was sufficiently “rotten” to provide gases that would allow the bread to rise and the pieces of sugar beets would provide “sugar” to “feed” the yeasty rye.

The pieces of sugar beets were most likely pressed remnants of beet, not real slices. More than likely whoever was preparing the bread for baking just dumped out the dough, slapped it around and created loaves. It should be told that the closer to the end of the war the greater the proportion of leaves and straw in the mix. A loaf weighed 3 1/2 to 4 pounds and had to be seasoned at least three days before it was at all edible. It is said that the stench rising from the bread robbed many a POW of his appetite.




Envelope containing secret orders
- Most of the time the airmen did not know their destination when departing the US.  They were given envelopes like the one below with instructions not to open it until they were in the air for one hour. This is the envelope that our Dad received in Bangor, Maine before he boarded the plane to go overseas.  

Secret orders envelope from World War II



Prisoners of War Bulletin
Published by the American National Red Cross for the Relatives of American Prisoners of War and Civilian Internees - December 1944.

 From the collection of Mark Kleinhanz.

POW Red Cross Bulletin -  pg 1  POW Red Cross Bulletin -  pg 2  POW Red Cross Bulletin - pg 3  POW Red Cross Bulletin - pg 4  POW Red Cross Bulletin - pg 5  

  POW Red Cross pg 6  POW Red Cross pg 7  POW Red Cross pg 8 POW Red Cross pg 9  POW Red Cross pg 10 

 POW Red Cross pg 11  POW Red Cross pg 12



Bail out procedure for a B-17

Bail out of a B-17 from World War II



Army Air Forces - Certificate of Appreciation for War Service   


Certificate of Appreciation



Aaron Kuptsow

 I cannot meet you personally to thank you for a job well done; nor can I hope to put in written words the great hope I have for your success in life.

     Together we built the striking force that swept the Luftwaffe from the skies and broke the German power to resist.  The total might of that striking force was then unleashed upon the Japanese.  Although you no longer play an active military part, the contribution you made to the Air Forces was essential in making us the greatest team in the world.

     The ties that bound us under stress of combat must not be broken in peacetime.  Together we share the responsibility of guarding our country in the air.  We who stay will never forget the part you have played while in uniform.  We know you will continue to play a comparable role as a civilian.  As our ways part, let us wish you God speed and the best of luck on your road in life.  Our gratitude and respect go with you.

(signed H. Arnold)

Commanding General
Army Air Forces

U.S.S. Admiral H.T. Mayo daily newsletter in World War II

The Daily Newsletter of the  U.S.S. Admiral H. T. Mayo - one of the Liberty troopships carrying the newly freed Prisoners of War back to the United States - dated June 21, 1945. 

Click here to read their 8 page newsletter containing the ship's crews thoughts on their passengers, the POWs thoughts, cartoons, and more..  Very interesting.



Swedish Ship Rushes Gifts to Prisoners - December 2, 1944  

Honorable service card - World War II Air Force

Honorable service card  




Then (1945) the existing bomber force consisted of 2,374 very heavy bombers (B-29), 12,221 heavy bombers (B-17 & B-24), 5,578 medium bombers (B-25 & B-26) and 3,063 light bombers (A-20 & A-26).

At present, the planned bomber force includes 181 bombers: sixty-six B-52Hs, ninety-five B-1Bs and twenty B-2s.


B-17's often called "The Flying Fortress" is one of the most famous airplanes ever built. The B-17 prototype first flew July 28, 1935. Few B-17s were in service on Dec. 7, 1941, but production quickly accelerated.

The aircraft served in every World War II combat zone, but is best known for daylight strategic bombing of German industrial targets. Production ended in May 1945, and totaled 12,726.


Wing Span: 103 feet, 10 inches
Length: 74 feet, 4 inches
Height: 19 feet, 1 inches
Weight: 55,000 pounds loaded
Armament: Thirteen .50-caliber machine guns with normal bomb load of 6,000 pounds
Engines: Four Wright "Cyclone" R-1820s of 1,200 horsepower each
Cost: $276,000


Maximum speed: 300 mph.
Cruising speed: 170 mph.
Range: 1,850 miles
Service Ceiling: 35,000 feet .




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This site created and maintained by Mary Smith and Barbara Freer, daughters of Dick Williams, Jr.