World War II prisoner of war camp - Stalag Luft I


World War II - Prisoners of War - Stalag Luft I 

A collection of stories, photos, art and information on Stalag Luft I


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North Compound 2, Stalag Luft I
Barth, Germany


18 April 1945


  1. Protestant Prayer Meeting  1100 – 1200 today Block 3, Room 1.
  2. Father Lynch will be in Block 7 1400 – 1430 today for consultations.
  3. Couching class at 1430 today, Block 7, Room 10.
  4. Notice to Squadron Commanders:  Remind your men they are not to play into Jerry’s hand by ganging up at fence when German girls are parading by, for the express purpose of getting reaction from Kriegies.  Just look and ignore them!
  5. SPORTS:       


American League 


4 vs 5   -  09:15



1 vs 8   -  13:00

National League


9 vs 5    - 10:45



2 vs 7    - 14:30

Volleyball schedule posted on sports store.

The boxing bout between Colonel Zemke and Major Manierre is scheduled to take place today in North 1 Compound.  A complete report of actions and results will be given out when obtained.


6. LOST:   One kriegie tag, no. 5089.  Finder kindly return to Major Burke, Block 7, Room 9.

  1. Lieut. Colonel Greening of North 1 and his staff of the Kriegie Kraft Karnival/the P.O.W. Exposition which will tour the states when we get home will hold a special open forum in the parade ground tomorrow. Thursday April 19th at 1015.  The purpose of this forum is to give complete information about the Karnival – what has been done to date, what is planned for the future, and to explain how the show has grown from a mere Arts & Krafts Exhibit to an exposition that will rival the best efforts of Grover Whalen and his Trylon – Perisphere’s outfit.  Everyone is invited to attend. Colonel Greening has advised us that you won’t be disappointed.  A sample exhibit will be set up for inspection during and after the meeting.



                                           By order of Lieut. Colonel WILSON:          


                                                                ? M. RIDDELL

                                                                 Lieut. Colonel, USAAF


   1 copy ea. Prov. Sq.      


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This site created and maintained by Mary Smith and Barbara Freer, daughters of Dick Williams, Jr.